
This hardworking group of students from the Boys & Girls Club of Garfield made it possible to complete maps of the food and street art in their city.

Beginning with an introduction to GIS, map creation, and the Mappler.com software, the students began to get a feel for how important this project was to their city.


After introductions were made and the students began to understand the project at hand, we took to the streets of Garfield City.

Students walk with a volunteer collection data

Students walk with a volunteer collection data

With data forms and a digital camera, information about each site was collected, and a photo was taken to compliment the data. After surveying the areas marked on each map, students reconviened at the Boys and Girls Club where the data was applied to the mappler.com sites.

The two maps are works in progress, and can be viewed at the following locations:



Today we will be mapping the food establishments, as well as instances of street art in Garfield, NJ. This exciting activity will bring together high school students, college students, and professionals in order to begin a new way of community visioning. Pictures, videos, and accounts of the day will be added to our site.

High School students from the Boys & Girls club of Garfield, NJ will perform a community asset mapping project on Dec. 30th, 2008. Several GIS professionals, undergraduate and graduate students are planning to volunteer their time to show students how to do community mapping projects. This project will have students locate, take pictures, and upload community asset data on the interactive mapping application, http://www.mappler.com/garfieldfood and http://www.mappler.com/garfieldstreetart .

This is a great opportunity to introduce these youths to the wide range of uses and skills of community mapping as well as community involvement and leadership in keeping with the mission of the Boys & Girls Club.